A way of Life

We live and breathe surf and ocean love in all we do

Learn to surf with us

 If you’ve ever tried to surf, you know how frustrating it can be. Where does one begin? The wipe outs, the nose-dives, the endless paddling, and that nervous feeling that won’t go away.
What appears to be a simple process is actually full of disheartening challenges.

Without the proper instruction, learning on your own can seam to be an impossible endeavor. Learning from friends or family can create bad habits, and eventually might cause you to hang up your board forever.The best way to get introduced to the world of surfing is through personalized private surf instruction from Carolina Surf School .

Experience and professionalism

We have a dedicated and experienced team ready to help you learn, brush up or upgrade your surf skills no matter what level you are stating from.

We are a passionate bunch

We have a passion for surfing and for what we do and this trickles down to everybit of detail in the service and experience we provide to our customers



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Caolina Gutierrez


Surf Coach & Rescue Certified International Surf Academy (ISA)

She was named Athlete of the year in 2004 by the Olympic Committee and then went on to represent the Dominican Republic as part of the Dominican team at the Pan-American Games in Peru in 2006. She has been a 6-time national surf champion.

Her most recent achievement in her career as a professional surfer was placing first place in the category of open women in the The Encuentro Classsic Nov 2017.

“Surfing is my passion, when I am in the ocean I connect with nature, catching the wave of my life. Do what you love and do it with passion”